Where We Treat the Whole Person and Embrace the Healing Power of Nature
Sedona’s Water Fasting and Health Fasting Retreats
Throughout history, fasting has been a common practice in many cultures, employed for physical, mental, and spiritual health. In the past 50 years, an effort has been made to develop an organized approach to using fasting as a “procedure” for facilitating the self-healing processes of the body. Here at the Sedona Wellness Retreat, we guide individuals through this long-term health benefit. These benefits are dependent upon your successful completion as well as after care with lifestyle and dietary modifications.
Please Contact Us To Discuss What We Can Do For You. Call 928.239.4589
Water Fasting is Nature’s Way: We understand that fasting is nature’s way of allowing your body to cleanse and heal itself, and that rest is important to the success of the process. Sedona Wellness Retreat offers a water fasting retreat that provides beautiful, clean, quiet, and comfortable surroundings in Sedona Arizona that foster the deep rest and introspection that allow for true healing. When water fasting your main concern should be your health and the use of a fasting retreat provides you with a supervised safe environment to allow you to have the best water fasting experience possible. Contact us with any questions you may have regarding water fasting or fasting retreats.
We will guide you through the water fasting process and facilitate any changes or modifications that may be needed. During your stay you will be able to partake in our educational classes, demonstrations, exercises, and individual consultation with the doctors on staff. Your meals before and after fasting will be prepared by our cooks with all organic fruits and vegetables.
Here at the retreat we work on an integrative medicine approach that offers guests the opportunity to obtain consultation and treatment for a wide variety of health concerns.
The Naturopathic doctors have extensive experience in the alternative treatments of high blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, digestive disorders and a wide range of other health conditions. Guests come to fast and detoxify, lose weight, and make diet and lifestyle changes while enjoying a health-promoting diet derived from organic whole natural foods. Our program and staff makes this a unique place for you to rest, to rejuvenate, and to learn to achieve optimum health.
Planning to Fast Here:
If you are planning to fast at Sedona Wellness Retreat, there are some things you can do to minimize the unpleasant effects, and maximize your condition for healing:
Have copies of your past medical records sent to us so that they will be reviewed by your supervising physician.
Get baseline laboratory blood tests done as soon as possible. We can order labs when you arrive although securing recent labs (within 2 weeks of arrival) will allow the most appropriate decisions to get you started right-away. (Remember you should not eat or drink anything except water for at least 10 hours before the test, but no longer than 16 hours.)
Before Arrival – Preparing your Body
If you would like to begin a diet to help you ease into the fast, you can start today with the following general guidelines:
• fresh raw fruits and vegetables
• large salads (avoid oil and sugar dressings)
• steamed vegetables
• steamed or baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams
• grains such as oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, barley, or teff
• legumes/beans.
• Nuts, seeds
• No meats, fish, fowl eggs, dairy, salt, sugar, oil, bakery, candy, or sweets.
Patients who do this for 2 weeks prior to fasting report a smoother, more comfortable fasting experience.
2 Days Before Arrival
At least 2 days prior to your arrival, you will need to begin prepping your intestines before they go into a long rest. Use the diet as outlined above, without the heavier foods. So this is: fresh raw fruits and vegetables; large salads without dressing; steamed vegetables
If you do not do this ahead of time, you will need to eat these meals at the center for 2 days prior to starting fasting.
Your activity level will decrease, and you may feel cold, especially at night. Bring sweaters and extra clothing to layer yourself.
Food Reintroduction After Fasting
When guests decide to end their fast, they are recommended to gradually reintroduce food into their diet. This re-feeding process reinforces good dietary habits and typically requires a period of no less than one-half the length of the fast. During this re-feeding process your supervising doctor wil be tailoring these guidelines to your particular case.
In general, for each 7-14 days of water fasting:
• 1 day of juice
• 1 day of raw food – Be sure to start with small meals (your stomach is now much smaller), and chew, chew, chew thoroughly down to a puree. If you have teeth problems or very sensitive digestion, you may need the food chopped or blended for you initially.
• 1 day of raw and steamed
• 1 day of raw and steamed and grains
• Finally, unlimited variety of the buffet, including beans, nuts and seeds.
FOR EXAMPLE: for a 14-20 day fast, you would spend 2 days at each step.
How Long Should I Stay? Fasting for heart conditions, auto-immune disorders, diabetes and health promotion: Interestingly, it is the body’s response to fasting that often helps participants determine the optimum fasting duration. Fasts typically continue for 5 to 40 days. The idea is to fast as briefly as possible, but as long as necessary, to accomplish your desired goals. When participants decide to end their fast, they are encouraged to gradually reintroduce food into their diet. This re-feeding process reinforces good dietary habits and typically requires a period of no less than one-half the length of the fast. So in determining you length of stay consider that typically there are a few onsite days of preparation before a fast, the fast, and after then the food reintroduction before departure. For example, after 5 days preparation, a 21 day fast would require a 10 day reefed requiring a 36 day stay.
IMPORTANT INFO: Often after the first week of cleansing there are healing changes – some might call them physical, mental and emotional releases. This can be overwhelming or frightening if not understood in the context of cleansing. Our staff provides support during this process. Medically these healing events might be fatigue, headaches or muscle and joint aches, but commonly also include fevers, loose stools, heart palpitations, mood swings, depression, difficulty breathing, insomnia, and other concerns. Understanding these changes as part of the cleansing process, and that they are not a sign of worsening illness, is an important consideration, and in fact, the benefit of having highly qualified medical supervision. Therefore many choose longer stays canto support them during these intensive cleansing programs.
Symptoms Of Fasting
These most commonly are dizziness or fainting (especially on arising), weakness, skin rashes, sore throat, mucus discharge, dehydration, palpitations or arrythmia, low back pain, increased menstrual flow, irregular or anovulatory cycles, hair loss, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, gastric irritation and emotional disturbances.
Educational program: The program includes education, medical supervision, psychological & spiritual support, activities, motivational work and more.
Throughout our lives. Our bodies are being filled with a variety of disease and cancer causing pollutants. These toxins reach us through the air we breathe, the food we eat, the medicines we take and the water we drink. As more of these poisons are used every day and cancer rates continue to climb, being able to turn to a natural, detoxifying treatment is not only reassuring, but necessary.
Our Therapy is a powerful, natural treatment. That boosts your body’s own immune system to support your body if you have cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative diseases. One aspect of our Therapy that sets it apart from most other treatment methods is its all-encompassing nature. After fasting your doctor might recommend an abundance of nutrients from fresh, organic juices are consumed every day, providing your body with a super dose of enzymes, minerals and nutrients. Also coffee enemas that can aid in eliminating the lifelong buildup of toxins from the liver.
With its whole-body approach to healing. Our therapy naturally reactivates your body’s magnificent ability to heal itself – with no damaging side-effects.
Although the philosophy of cleansing and reactivating the body is simple. The Therapy is a complex method of treatment requiring significant attention to detail. While many patients have made full recoveries practicing on their own, for best results we encourage starting and practicing at the retreat center and taking back what you have learned so that you can continue with it at home.
It is rare to find diabetes, hypertension, cancer, arthritis, or other degenerative diseases in cultures considered “primitive” by Western civilization. Is it because of diet?
The fact that degenerative diseases appear in these cultures only when modern packaged foods and additives are introduced would certainly support that idea. Degenerative diseases can be brought on by toxic, degraded food, water and air.
Degenerative diseases render the body increasingly unable to excrete waste materials adequately, commonly resulting in liver and kidney failure. To prevent this, the therapy uses intensive detoxification to eliminate wastes, regenerate the liver, reactivate the immune system and restore the body’s essential defenses – enzyme, mineral and hormone systems. With generous, high-quality nutrition, increased oxygen availability, detoxification, and improved metabolism, the cells, and the body, can regenerate, become healthy and prevent future illness.
No treatment works for everyone, every time. Anyone who tells you otherwise is not giving you the facts. We know that when you have been diagnosed with a life-threatening ailment, choosing the best strategy for fighting your illness can be a bewildering task. Everyone claims to have either “the best treatment”, or “the only therapy that works.” In most cases your trusted family physician only has knowledge of conventional treatments, and is either unaware of, or even hostile toward alternative options. No matter how many opinions you receive on how to treat your disease, you are going to make the final decision on what to do, and you must be comfortable with your decision. Choose a treatment that makes the most sense to you.
Most therapies, conventional or alternative treat only the individual symptoms while ignoring what is ultimately causing the disease. The reason that our therapy is effective with so many different ailments is because it restores the body’s incredible innate ability to heal itself. Rather than treating only the symptoms of a particular disease, the therapy treats the cause of the disease itself. Although we feel the therapy is one of the most comprehensive foundational treatment programs for disease, we don’t claim it will cure everything or everyone.
Who Qualifies to Come to the Retreat:
We accept most people that want to come and improve their overall health and life. We want to make sure that you are safe to travel and partake in our advanced programs. Must be able to eat, drink and eliminate normally, as well as be able to travel and take care of their personal needs. If you have major health concerns, and need considerable assistance, then you will need a more thorough evaluation to allow you in. For those in hospice care or in other advanced care systems, our retreat is not the right place for you. We are not a hospital or advanced care facility. All individuals have to take care of their own self care and general needs such as bathing, eating, drinking, dressing, going to the restroom, as well as be able to self administer enemas. We are not a 24 hour care facility and the staff and doctors are only there during the day for assistance and guidance.
Our Purpose:
Motivate, Empower, support and coach individuals to make positive changes in there lives, and to take responsibility for their health.
Our Clinical Therapeutics
The clinical approach consists of detoxifying and nourishing the body, the mind and the heart. The most elegant approach is based on fasting and nutritional therapy. Fasting on water or juices or a raw food diet is the most radical and the most efficient way to treat and prevent most illness. The nutritional therapy is a stepping stone to address mental, emotional and spiritual issues that may create imbalance. To achieve this goal the following methods can be used: meditation, awareness techniques, guided imagery, movement. Adjuvant therapies such as hydrotherapy, intravenous therapies, vitamin supplements, botanical medicine and homeopathy may be used in conjunction with the nutritional therapy or afterwards.
• Acupuncture
• Cranial Therapy (Energy Medicine)
• Health/Medical care
• Intravenous Therapy
• Massage
• Counseling
• Yoga and Qi Gong
We Look Forward To Working With You Towards A Healthier Tomorrow!